11 Natural Remedies for Arthritis

Not only can day to day activities cause a natural breakdown of healthy joints, but there are other numerous factors which can increase one’s risk for developing arthritis suddenly.

The good news is that there are solutions available to help remedy arthritis symptoms. Some are less invasive than others, and some are treatment solutions which can help protect against arthritis. There are also ways to ensure relief in methods which can target already damaged joints either by trauma or auto-immune diseases.

Here’s a comprehensive list showcasing the best all-natural solutions for treating arthritis:

1. Weight Loss: Keeping a stable and healthy weight is a great way to ease tension on the joints. Obesity can lead to extreme discomfort and pain, and add to the stress already placed to the joints. This can also help reduce inflammation, the risk of chronic diseases, and improve overall quality of life.

A great way to ensure one is at a recommended weight is by looking at a BMI calculator. It can help determine if one has a weight that is best suited for their height and gender. Of course those with a lot of muscle mass would do best to seek other ways to measure their weight. However, it’s the best solution for moderately active people who don’t do intense workouts.

2. Exercise: Physical activity can help build stronger muscle and joints. Even those with arthritis can benefit from low impact movements such as swimming, biking, and even simple walking.

It can also help reduce weight so it can have an additional benefit of preventing against obesity.

Strength training via body weight exercises and low weight dumbbells and barbells can also be used to help promote stronger bone density and joint health. Performing these movements with proper form can help build a strong foundation so one is best able to prevent future injuries.

3. Supplementing: Ingredients like chondroitin, glucosamine, antioxidants, minerals, fish oil, and other additives have been shown in clinical studies to help treat arthritis. They can reduce inflammation, give more fluid to surrounding joints, and help build stronger bones. The benefit of these kinds of supplements is that they not only have preventative effects, but they can treat already inflamed and damaged joints. Using some sort of over the counter remedy is advised even for young people as it can promote a healthier overall body.

4. Physical Therapy: For those who have to live with arthritis, real improvement can be seen in physical therapy. This can slowly build one’s strength and flexibility to help promote stronger joints.

This is especially important in people who have trouble with basic movements. Even with extreme trauma physical therapists can provide a simple base for one to build on for improving whatever condition one may be in.

There are gentle movements which also promote the regeneration of swollen or damaged joints. By adding this regimen people can be treated individually to best regain their mobility.

5. Devices for aiding movement: Cheap items such as braces, shoe inserts, comfortable shoes, splints, and other devices can take pressure off the joints.

They can also help distribute weight better if you were to suffer from serious arthritis. This can provide a helpful way to ease tension so the joints have time to heal. As a temporary solution it can provide the support needed to rejuvenate worn down joints.

6. Capsaicin cream: This topical cream contains the active ingredient in hot peppers which provides spice. When added to skin it can help relieve pain by stimulating pain signals, which then reduces their strength to prevent future discomfort.

It’s been shown effective for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, as well as disorders that can lead to pain. You can also purchase it over the counter without a prescription for relatively cheap.

7. Chiropractic Therapy: This can be helpful for treating muscle spasms and breaking up scar tissue. It can also rejuvenate worn down tissue in the body.

Those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis have seen benefits from this kind of therapy. Often chiropractic treatment is exclusive to the joints, so it’s a highly specialized form of medicine.

8. Epsom Bath: This salt can be found in drugstores for cheap and it’s been shown effective for reducing inflammation. Often used as a natural solution to treat tired and sore muscles, it has great properties which can combat stiffness and pain.

It can provide looseness to tight and swollen body parts, and it’s also been used effectively for arthritis symptoms. Athletes will also often use it after workouts to relieve the soreness caused by strenuous workouts.

9. Electrical Therapy: Often used by physical therapists, small strips are added to affected areas where electrical impulses are sent. This can provide some short lasting effects for relieving pain. The benefit of this is that it’s been shown to be safe, and treatment is very brief. Some sessions last as little as 10 minutes, depending on one’s need for relief.

10. Stretching: Basic static stretching which can be done anywhere which can be adjusted to one’s needs. By remaining more fluid both first thing in the morning and at night, one’s body can resist the natural tension which occurs with day to day movements.

This warm up can make it less likely one will suffer from sharp pains or instability. It’s also a way to warmup before workouts to prevent any injuries or tension.

Dynamic or more active stretching which mimics one’s intended activity can also be done, but static stretching is easier and gentler on the body.

11. Proper Diet: Eating nutrient dense foods can not only provide sustained energy, but it can actually reduce inflammation. It’s known that in the Western world there’s a heavy intake of omega-6 fatty acids has been shown to cause inflammation.

Eating healthier foods can also give the body much needed vitamins and minerals which can aid the body in recovery and growth. So you can develop lean muscle mass, stronger bones, improved durability, and many other important benefits.